Leadership Development

Establish a work routine in the home environment during COVID-19

There are several positives to working from home – no travel time, no office workwear, no makeup, no parking or go-card, reduced fuel costs and wear and tear on vehicles. Although it does mean that managing productivity will require resetting expectations around tasks, schedules and accountability. Not everyone can maintain focus on work in the home …

Establish a work routine in the home environment during COVID-19 Read More »

If the answer is, “build a great culture” … what is the question?

When you employ staff, you bring them on for what’s in their heads. When they sign your employment contract, they bring their hearts as well as their heads. It is common to think that staff motivation is about the money. It is less common to think it’s about connection, purpose and alignment to core values. …

If the answer is, “build a great culture” … what is the question? Read More »

How Do You Develop a Culture for Leaders to Lead

Workplaces without a culture that fosters leadership are like a journey without a destination. Leadership is not a position or job description, although people called “leaders” within organisations tend to have senior presence and decision-making authority. It is not the job title that makes the leader. Leadership is a way of thinking, communicating and it’s …

How Do You Develop a Culture for Leaders to Lead Read More »