Workplaces without a culture that fosters leadership are like a journey without a destination.
Leadership is not a position or job description, although people called “leaders” within organisations tend to have senior presence and decision-making authority.
It is not the job title that makes the leader.
Leadership is a way of thinking, communicating and it’s a set of behaviours that need to be nurtured by workplace culture.
When we speak about workplace culture there is lots that is intangible although its impact is incredibly tangible. Things like shared values, attitudes, job satisfaction contribute to workplace culture. Positive culture sets the tone for business growth as well as development of leadership capability for both existing and emergent leaders.
In order for leadership to thrive and respond strategically and not tactically during times of adversity and fierce competition, workplace culture must be closely aligned to the business’ strategic direction. In turn, this alignment must be engrained in the people and its processes.
With the right conditions – strong leadership, positive culture and alignment to strategic direction, workplaces are more likely to stay on course despite the urge to react tactically at times.
Leadership development is also fostered when aspiring emergent leaders are able to model the behaviours of their leaders. Growing leaders from within the ranks further strengthens workplace culture and focus on business success.