Go beyond recruitment

You have found the perfect candidate for the job, now you must retain them. The time and effort invested in casting the net during the recruitment phase needs to be followed up with making sure the new employee is welcomed and socialised into the culture, morale, as well as where to buy the best coffee!

The piece that is often overlooked is onboarding. Sometimes it is a lack of time or lack of understanding about why it is important for new employees to feel a sense of belonging and organisational fit from the get go.

Onboarding is a no-brainer but it is often the simple things that are taken for granted. At Verity Consulting, we stand by the SenzaCarta approach to onboarding.

Like any good process there are 4 considerations:

Compliance – this is making sure all the “Ts” are crossed and “Is” dotted with policies, procedures, contracts

Clarification – this is setting expectations and confirming the requirements of the role and responsibilities of the person in the role and introducing them to the who’s who

Culture – like any situation where people come together as a team, there is a need to feel at ease, part of the shared goal and big picture

Connection – this is not a “c” that can be delegated or skipped. The employee-manager relationship begins early, and managers must cultivate strong relationships before day 1. Especially for new entrants to the workforce

Most organisations do the first couple of C’s well, with the last two “Cs” missed or in need of urgent attention.

The next time you recruit, don’t stop short at the job offer, take the next step.

If onboarding is still a little foreign and you need some advice or guidance, contact Verity Consulting ([email protected]) who will be happy to onboard you with the SenzaCarta model.

Read our our previous blog on Onboarding here


By Verity Consulting Partners